WATCCH Inc is a small organization and our resources very limited. The difficult part about being a non-profit is asking people for donations. People think that its easy to raise money for a project like such as a children home. In addition, they ask well you can't get grants, business involved other non-profits involved. The answer is "Yes" to all that but the answer is also all of that takes time. Believe it or not when you approach businesses they have to go through a process of approval and even then its not guarantee. Grants take months to prepare for and your organization is not the only one fighting for the grant. You also have to know what you are doing in order to write grants. Personally as the founder of WATCCH Inc I have had to put my pride aside and approach other non-profits. Non-profits including churches many express that they have there own ways of supporting or they do not sponsor outside missions. However, we have had two that chose to give...
The journey of getting donations has been one of humility because you have to put your self and feelings aside humble yourself and ask other to support your vision. You have to remind yourself that you fighting for children in need. Children that do not have parents or family to help them. For every door that has opened 10 have been closed. People have this preconceived notion that since we have raised money that we don't need support. However, that's not the case...at this current time it takes 1,000 or more each month for daily operations. We have a lot of people that commit to giving but never actually complete giving. Doesn't seem like much but we struggle every month to raise the funds. We have some monthly donors but not enough to be secure that we are gonna reach our goal. When we fail to meet our goal our kids and staff suffer. It takes a lot of faith as a board member or volunteer after all you can do is put your best foot forward and let your faith do the rest. There are many people that have the heart to give many people....its just about reaching them. www.watcch.org
(Changing Children lives in Uganda, Africa )